Online Portfolio and Project Database
PlaySkiEnglish front page.png




Assignment in Design 6: Industrial Project. spring 2018 @ NTNU. IndiviDual Project


In this project, the task was to create a concept for something that would make people more interested in cross country skiing and/or using the forest and skiing facilities around Trondheim, Norway. I narrowed the problem down to "Create a concept for something that will make people more interested in using cross country-skiing as exercise". The final delivery was an idea for an audio-based AR game that would simulate races against real athletes, along with wireframes for the app and a concept film. It is also detailed in the report (in Norwegian) how the same game dynamics can be used in all sports with a similar structure. The report is available on request.


Concept film

The main goal of the film was to kickstart people's imagination and enthusiasm, while also demonstrating briefly the app's flow. It features the face of Norway's most recognizable cross country skier "deep faked" onto mine, as well as myself. 

The Wireframes

The app is structured to be as orderly and efficient as possible, while having a playful look that underscores its use as a game, not an explicit exercise app. It is meant to make use of the phone's GPS and accelerometer as the input controller, and only audio as the output to inform the user of the game state.